This WORLDSITE will introduce those people of the World descended from Zacharias Schömbs -- the Schambs, Schembs, Schemes, Schoembs, Schombs, Schaembs and Schömbs, as well as the descendants of Schömbs daughters whose surnames changed through marriage.

The WORLDSITE includes books and much other information about Zacharias Schömbs and his descendants. "The Family of Zacharias Schömbs" by Reinhold Schembs (Mainz/Laubenheim, Germany) deals with the history of the family back to 1645 (the Thirty Years War) and continuing into the 21st Century in Germany. It is available in both German and English. "The Auswanderer Schömbs" by Jim Schembs (Phoenix, Arizona USA) is the story in English of those who decided to leave Germany, and their lives and descendants thereafter.

What's Really New?
It's over! And it was a big success!! Cousins from around the World came together. Many had come to prior Familientrefffen. Others were with us for the first time. And all said they wanted to come back for the next Treffen.

It was our fifth Familientreffen, the first having been in 1999. But still no cousins from Antarctica or Africa! All the other continents were represented!

Details are on the WORLDSITE. And periodically check the Worldsite to see when the next Familientreffen is planned. Or for other family news.

Not Quite as New?

2022 - there were many Fotos taken over the 2022 Christmas Holiday of cousins' families. The Link to the Foto Album of the 2022 Holidays is on the Homepage of the Family WORLDSITE.

2020 - more of the stories of the family have been added. The Münzenberger Story is being filled out. When completed there will be more than 1,000 descendants from Wolfgang Ernst and Christina Mühl Münzenberger who emigrated in 1847 and settled in Wisconsin, USA.

2018 - we continue to discover more emigrants. Most recently new emigrants to New York City and Jo Daviess County, Illinois.

2015 - we just had our Fourth Familientreffen (Reunion) in Germany! The story and pictures are available on the WORLDSITE! As are the pictures of all the Familientreffen.

2013 - the entire WORLDSITE has been redesigned! It is now easy to navigate through the story! More Fotos! More Cousins!

Schömbs 2008 was a Big Success! 140 cousins from seven countries, four continents! Visit the WORLDSITE to see the pictures.

Schömbs 2023 Schömbs 2023 Schömbs 2023
Schömbs 2023

The Fifth Schömbs Familientreffen -- 2023

About 170 relatives met in Herrnsheim, Germany, for the Familientreffen. Relatives came from Israel, Australia, the United States, France, Belgium, and Germany. The big party was on Saturday, 1 July 2023. But the festivities began on Thursday evening, 29 June, with a welcoming dinner. Friday we went by charter bus to visit the hometowns from which many of our emigrant forefathers and foremothers had come. In each case we were greeted by local officials and led on a walking tour of their towns. Friday dinner was in Worms. And Saturday morning cousin Karin Kissel led us on a walking tour of downtown Worms. Saturday afternoon was our big Fest, hosted by Arno and Mieke Schembs. Sunday following a tour down the Rhein River we had our farewell dinner in Worms.

Many more (and larger) pictures are available on the WORLDSITE.

Schömbs 2023
Schömbs 2023 Schömbs 2023
Schömbs 2023 Schömbs 2023 Schömbs 2023

The Zacharias Schömbs Worldsite is a secure site, available only to descendants of Zacharias Schömbs (1645-1707). Entry is available only with a username and password.

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If you have not yet registered and received a username and password, please send us an E-mail. In order to demonstrate that you are a family member and therefore eligible to visit the site, please include your name and year of birth, together with the full name of your (Schömbs lineage) grandfather and his (approximate) year of birth. We will respond with a password. Thanks very much for your interest. Have fun! Falls Sie sich noch nicht angemeldet haben und kein Paßwort haben, schicken Sie uns bitte eine E-mail. Um zu beweisen, daß Sie ein Familienmitglied sind, bitte schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an uns, in der Ihren Namen und Geburtsjahr mit dem Namen von Ihren (Schömbs Nachfahren) Grossvater und seinem Geburtsjahr (ungefähr) steht. Wir werden mit einem Paßwort antworten. Vielen Dank für Ihre Interesse. Viel Spaß! Se você ainda não se registrou e não recebeu o nome de usuário e a senha, por favor envie-nos um e-mail. Para demonstrar que você é membro da família e, portanto, elegível para visitar o site, por favor inclua seu nome e ano de nascimento, juntamente com o nome completo de seu avô (da linhagem Schömbs) e seu ano aproximado de nascimento. Nós responderemos com uma senha. Muito obrigado pelo seu interesse. Divirta-se!

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